PRESS RELEASE: IVI’s Open-Source Value Project Produces Actionable Data on Value of Rheumatology Treatment Sequencing Designs

Washington, D.C. — June 14, 2018 — Measuring value in healthcare, which traditionally takes the perspective of a single payer managing population health and costs, needs to evolve to include diverse perspectives and provide relevant and actionable information on value to healthcare decision makers, according to a new article published today in the Journal of […]
PRESS RELEASE: Why IVI’s Next Open-Source Modeling Platform Will Focus on Value in Lung Cancer

Los Angeles, CA — June 20, 2018 — Oncology is both an area of immense clinical need and a primary driver of healthcare spending. As a result, cancer care is a focus of extensive debate around value. In short, the field of oncology offers a unique opportunity to develop patient-centered, robust, and flexible models for […]
PRESS RELEASE: IVI Responds to HHS’ Blueprint Saying Lowering Healthcare Costs Requires Improving Value Assessment

IVI Says Moving Beyond Cost Effectiveness by Evaluating Treatments Based on Unique Patient Characteristics and Preferences is Imperative Los Angeles, CA – July 16, 2018 — If we are going to truly harness data to lower healthcare costs while accelerating and rewarding innovation that benefits patients, then defining and assessing value in healthcare must improve, […]
PRESS RELEASE: IVI Releases Public Feedback and Technical Expert Panel Recommendations for Open-Source Platform Model to Assess Outcomes and Value of Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapies

Priorities Emerged Which Will Shape Version 2.0 of IVI’s RA Model Los Angeles, CA – September 20, 2018 — The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) today released public feedback and recommendations from its Technical Expert Panel (TEP), an objective third party comprised of five leaders in health economics, epidemiology, rheumatology, and patient communities, which the […]
PRESS RELEASE: IVI’s Patient Research Reveals Importance of Quality of Life in Assessing Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Therapy Sequence Value

Los Angeles, CA – November 15, 2018 – The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) – a nonprofit dedicated to advancing the science and improving the practice of value assessment in healthcare – today released qualitative research evaluating what factors most impact the value of treatment to metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients. According to the […]
PRESS RELEASE: IVI Unveils New Value Assessment Model for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

IVI released our initial version of the new Open-Source Value Platform (OSVP) model for non-small cell lung cancer. Specifically, the model provides information on the relative value of sequential treatments for epidermal growth factor receptor positive (EGFR+), non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The entirety of the IVI-NSCLC model package, including detailed methods documentation, R […]
PRESS RELEASE: IVI Launches New Research Brief Series “Value Blueprints”

IVI launches a new research brief series to present research findings and method insights from the OSVP. Let’s sparks a conversation into next-gen value assessment. Read the full press release here.
PRESS RELEASE: IVI Releases Public Comments on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Value Tool

Thank you for your comments! IVI has released all public feedback received during the open comment period for the IVI-NSCLC model – our open-source platform to assess therapy sequences for EGFR+ non-small cell lung cancer. In the spirit of IVI’s mission of collaboration, commitment to transparency, and dedication to iterative improvement, we look forward to […]
PRESS RELEASE: IVI Illustrates “Insurance Value” Using IVI-RA Model in Latest Research Brief

In a new Value Blueprints research brief, IVI explores the novel concept of “Insurance Value.” New medical technologies not only benefit patients, but also healthy people at risk of future illness. The insurance value arising from the decreased physical risk from illness is a potentially important dimension to consider in value assessment, especially when decisions […]
PRESS RELEASE: How Structural Uncertainty Impacts Value Estimates

In a new Value Blueprints research brief, IVI explores the concept of “structural uncertainty,” an important source of uncertainty that is not generally measured or addressed in cost-effectiveness models. In this research brief, we use the IVI-RA model to demonstrate how different structural assumptions lead to varying cost-effectiveness estimates. As our findings make clear, it […]