What’s in Store for 2020?
Jennifer Bright discusses the following three trends that began in 2019 and will pick up steam this year: Increased demand for value information for drugs; Increased number of voices asking whether value assessment is done the right way; and Momentum to improve value assessment models. Read the full article here. Please note that a Scrip […]
The Ascendency of Value Assessment
Value assessment is a hot topic in healthcare. But how can it be improved so it’s more relevant to answering the most important questions to patients, payers and providers? In this commentary, Jennifer Bright explains why we need data partners to catalyze improvement in value assessment. Read the article here.
IVI Submits Comments on ICER Draft Evidence Report on JAK Inhibitors for RA
IVI offered comments on ICER’s recently released Draft Evidence Report examining the cost-effectiveness of Janus Kinase (JAK) Inhibitors for Rheumatoid Arthritis. In addition to commenting on the needs for transparency and the impacts of modeling assumptions on results, IVI’s comments raise a broader question about the relevance of the analysis to decision making. IVI writes […]
Top Three Questions Employers Need to Ask Benefits Consultants
Jennifer Bright writes in Benefits Pro that employers who rely on health plans and vendors to advise them on coverage for drugs or other treatments need to ask several key questions to ensure they are getting the most value out of their consultants’ recommendations. Read the full article here.
How IVI is Bringing Value to Cancer Care
After the release of the public comments for IVI-NSCLC, Managed Healthcare Executive took a look at IVI’s open-source model focusing on non-small lung cancer and how it will bring healthcare executives insight into value that otherwise wouldn’t exist with traditional models. Read the full article here.
5 Steps to Build an Active Learning System for Value Assessment
In the wake of this year’s ISPOR conference, IVI’s Executive Director, Jennifer Bright, reflects on how to move value assessment from a static snapshot in time to an active learning approach. She discusses the following five steps to improving value assessment: Take the transparency challenge. Embrace flexibility. Allow for iteration. Improve incorporation of non-clinical data. […]
Jennifer Bright Addresses Differences Between Consumer-Driven and Patient-Centered Healthcare
IVI Executive Director, Jennifer Bright, writes in Morning Consult about the differences between patient-centered and consumer-driven healthcare. Read the full article here.
How the Open Science Movement Creates Momentum for Value Assessment
In a Morning Consult commentary, IVI Executive Director, Jennifer Bright, discusses why transparency is a prerequisite to value-based reimbursement and how IVI’s Open-Source Value Platform (OSVP) is an open laboratory for creating sophisticated systems to assess value in healthcare. Read the full article here.
IVI’s Take on What’s In Store for Value Assessment in 2019
In an article published online by the American Journal of Managed Care, IVI’s Executive Director, Jennifer Bright, and Director of Scientific Communications, Mark Linthicum, offer five predictions for where value assessment is headed in 2019. Specifically, Jennifer and Mark focus their discussion on the following areas of interest regarding value assessment: Including patient perspectives becomes […]
Value Frameworks Must Incorporate Real-World Evidence, Says Research Team Including IVI’s Darius Lakdawalla and Wayne Burton
In a new paper published by the American Journal of Managed Care, a team of researchers, including IVI’s Darius Lakdawalla and Wayne Burton, conclude that key decision makers within our healthcare system need to recognize the importance of implementing real-world evidence and devote resources to further research into the chronic disease areas in which the […]