Value Must Be Inclusive

Author: Rick Chapman, PhD, Chief Science Officer In the context of value assessment, what does patient representativeness mean? A new infographic from IVI, “Value assessment should serve diverse populations and the organizations that provide their care,” shows the wide-ranging breadth of factors that comprise patient representativeness. IVI endeavors to fully integrate the patient experience into […]

IVI Drug Pricing Proposal Statement

Jennifer Bright, Executive Director, Innovation and Value Initiative, issued the following statement on Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats drug pricing proposals. “While exercising government levers to address drug pricing and pricing transparency are needed, the current proposals miss the mark on real solutions to improve affordability and to understand whether healthcare spending actually delivers the […]

Supporting Equity in Value Assessment

Author: Rick Chapman, PhD, Chief Science Officer, IVI How do we ensure that the data and methods used for value assessment adequately account for the diversity of patients and the urgent need to correct inequities in the health care system – and society in general? Without explicit attention to these issues, health technology assessment (HTA) […]

What Distinguishes IVI’s Approach to Value Assessment?

Author: Rick Chapman, PhD, Chief Science Officer, IVI Policymakers continue to grapple with finding the right approaches to curtailing drug costs and improving health care. Organizations that conduct value and health technology assessment (HTA) are grappling with finding the right approaches, too. IVI has created a new infographic to illustrate our patient-centered approach to value […]

Toward Equity in Value Assessment: Paths Forward

Author: Jennifer Bright, MPA, Executive Director, IVI “Poor value assessment hardwires inequity into health.” – Michelle McMurry-Heath, MD, PhD; Biotechnology Innovation Organization – Session 1: Meaningful Action Toward Health Equity IVI’s three-part series on health equity and value assessment concluded earlier this month, and we’re proud to have convened these thoughtful dialogues among diverse experts […]

Q&A with IVI’s Executive Director, Jennifer Bright

Jennifer Bright, MPAIVI Executive Director Ms. Bright brings over two decades of health care policy, issue management, patient advocacy, and executive leadership to the role. She is also founder and President of Momentum Health Strategies and has formerly served as executive director of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, representing physician, advanced practice nurse, […]

Questions about the IVI-MDD Model Scope

On Monday, May 3, IVI, along with Jessica Kennedy from Mental Health America and Mohannad Kusti from Pivot Onsite-Innovations, held an informational webinar on the draft model scope for IVIs’s upcoming economic model on major depressive disorder (MDD). To prime the pump for your own comments and feedback, we’re sharing some of the questions and […]

Patients at the Center of It All

Making our way through a global pandemic will require all the assets and brain power our health system and leaders have to offer. And yet while the pandemic has been a novel disruptor, it has also served to highlight the problems our system has experienced for years, even decades. Whether we are discussing COVID-19 or […]

How do we identify and measure value for patients with rare diseases?

Authors: Annie Kennedy and Joff Masukawa. Rare diseases impact 1 in 10 Americans, and over 400 million people worldwide. The current development and FDA approval process can cost hundreds of millions of dollars – and take an average of 15 years – to develop one therapy. For the 30% of children diagnosed with a rare […]

Exploring Patient Heterogeneity and Diversity in Treatment Responses

Author: Jennifer Bright, MPA Everyone hopes for a COVID vaccine so our lives can return to normal. Yet, we know that even if clinical trials prove a vaccine’s effectiveness, our society will still have to endure a long process of distribution. I’m personally willing to wait for a vaccine for healthcare workers, the elderly, and […]