
Transforming the Process of Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

The Center for Innovation & Value Research hosts webinars to communicate research findings, explore new methodologies in HTA, and host public dialogue on relevant issues. Join us for open conversations about best practices with researchers, patient organizations, policymakers, and those who pay for care.

May 21, 2024

Uncovering the True Cost of Healthcare: Prioritizing Patient Perspectives

November 29, 2023

Real Experience, Real Impact: Valuing Rare Disease Treatments in Healthcare

November 09, 2023

MDD Value Model: Evaluating Treatments for People with Major Depressive Disorder

March 24, 2022

Next Steps Toward Patient Focus in Health Technology Assessment and Payer Decision-Making

February 24, 2022

AJMC Matters in Managed Care Webinar: Developing Strategies to Drive Value in Mental Health Care

December 15, 2021

Major Depressive Disorder Model Draft Protocol: Public Comment Period Presentation

July 14, 2021

Webinar Series: Toward Equity in Health Technology Assessment (Session 3)

June 24, 2021

Webinar Series: Toward Equity in Health Technology Assessment (Session 2)

May 03, 2021

IVI Model Scope on Major Depressive Disorder