Next Steps Toward Patient Focus in Health Technology Assessment and Payer Decision-Making

Next Steps Toward Patient Focus in Value Assessment and Payer Decision-Making

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Decision makers – specifically payers and purchasers – are increasingly aware of the importance of account for patient and family experience and preferences, but the methods for doing so remain unclear. The Center for Innovation & Value Research and NEHI recently convened two stakeholder forums* to consider the complex issues of defining, sharing, and integrating patient data and insights into the decision-making process. This webinar will highlight key learnings and identify guideposts for action that evolved from both initiatives.

Attendees will learn about progress in patient-centered value assessment and its impact on payer decision-making.

* Both convenings were partially funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®) Eugene Washington PCORI® Engagement Award (#EAIN-21156 and #EAIN-1998).

Andrew Hu, MPP (Moderator)

Bipartisan Policy Center

Jennifer Bright, MPA

Innovation and Value Initiative

Tom Hubbard, MPP

Network for Excellence in Health Innovation

Andrew Crighton, MD

Crighton Consulting Group

Jennifer Graff, PharmD

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

Maggie Jalowsky

Sick Cells