Toward Equity in Value Assessment
Session 2: Methods in Value Assessment that Support Equity
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Bringing patient perspectives into value and health technology assessments is widely acknowledged to be lacking. In particular, data inputs typically don’t reflect patient diversity. They also fail to capture real-world factors that matter to communities living with chronic health conditions, such as whether treatments are likely to continue or even exacerbate current inequities in the health care system.
One of our nine guiding principles is improving attention to equity in health care decision-making and delivery. The second in a three-part series on health equity, featured leading experts who are devising innovative solutions for improved data inputs and analytic methods, thus supporting patient representativeness in research and consideration of the equity impacts of new treatments.
The webinar addressed challenges and potential solutions in improving patient representativeness in research, as well as existing and emerging methods that could support a fuller consideration of equity in value assessments.

Rick Chapman, PhD (Moderator)
Center for Innovation & Value Research

Lisa A. Prosser, PhD, MS
Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research Center
As Director of the Susan B. Meister Child Health Evaluation and Research Center, Dr. Prosser’s research focuses on measuring the value of childhood health interventions using the methods of decision sciences and economics. Current topics include newborn screening programs, vaccination programs, and methods for valuing family spillover effects of illness. Her research in vaccine program cost-effectiveness has been used in setting national vaccine policy.

Stacey Kowal, MSc
As Principal Researcher in Health Policy and Systems Research at Genentech, Ms. Kowal’s current work aims to increase the focus on patient-centricity and equity effects in health economics and outcomes research and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). Her background includes both U.S. and global work to inform HTA and reimbursement as well as public health intervention design.

Shainoor Ismail, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Public Health Agency of Canada and Metro City Medical Clinic
Dr. Ismail is the Medical Lead for the National Advisory Committee on Immunization’s guidance on the use of COVID-19 vaccines, and a former Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health. She led the development of a framework for the integration of ethics, equity, feasibility and acceptability considerations in national immunization recommendations. The British Medical Journal, Global Health recently published her article, “Navigating Inequities: A Roadmap out of the Pandemic.”