When the updated CHEERS report[1]Husereau D, Drummond M, Augustovski F, et al. Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards 2022 (CHEERS 2022) Explanation and Elaboration: A Report of the ISPOR CHEERS II Good … Continue reading encouraged the use of health economic analysis plans (HEAP), we saw this as an opportunity to call for a joint effort to increase transparency and accountability in the process and methods to develop health economic models. IVI believes that full access to the methodologies (e.g., assumptions, structure, inputs), calculations, and functioning of any health economic model should be the standard in economic evaluations.

From its inception, IVI has used its Open-Source Value Project (OSVP) to demonstrate the value and need for transparent and open-source economic models. All IVI models[2]Currently, IVI has economic models on rheumatoid arthritis and non-small cell lung cancer. We are currently building a model on major depressive disorder. and the underlying codes are open-source and freely available. We see the open exchange of ideas and a learning approach to economic modeling as essential to ensuring that we measure what’s most important to stakeholders and building trust in the healthcare system. In our recent comments to ICER’s draft report on treatments for COVID-19, we emphasized that patient-centricity and transparency are essential to ensure that evidence generated from economic evaluations are considered by decision-makers.

In addition to economic models, transparency is important for healthcare research writ large. In our own research studies, IVI works to share our learnings along the way[3]dosReis, S., Linthicum, M., deFur Malik, E., Slejko, J., and R. Xie. Identifying Patient-Driven Value Elements in Major Depressive Disorder. Innovation and Value Initiative Value Blueprints Research … Continue reading. As part of our MDD Treatment Patterns Retrospective Claims study with HealthCore, we are working to post the analysis plan to ISPOR’s Real World Study Registry. We hope this will set an example for the expanded use of such registries.

By sharing the rationale for key modeling decisions and specifications in the development of economic models, we hope our collaborative and transparent approach can lead to better methods. Thanks to the CHEERS Report, we hope to see others join us in this endeavor.

Author: Richard Xie, PhD, Director of Research, IVI


1 Husereau D, Drummond M, Augustovski F, et al. Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards 2022 (CHEERS 2022) Explanation and Elaboration: A Report of the ISPOR CHEERS II Good Practices Task Force. Value In Health. 2022;25(1):10-31.
2 Currently, IVI has economic models on rheumatoid arthritis and non-small cell lung cancer. We are currently building a model on major depressive disorder.
3 dosReis, S., Linthicum, M., deFur Malik, E., Slejko, J., and R. Xie. Identifying Patient-Driven Value Elements in Major Depressive Disorder. Innovation and Value Initiative Value Blueprints Research Brief. May 2021. Available: http://valueresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021-06-04.VBP-Major-Depressive-Disorder_FINAL.pdf