IVI Highlighted in Article on Value Assessment in Oncology Treatments

In this month’s Drug Topics, correspondent Kathleen Gannon Longo speaks with Jeremy Schafer about the potentially tremendous impact that value assessments will have on future patient reimbursement decisions. Focusing on Oncology treatment, Schafer describes some of the existing value frameworks in play as well as referencing the work being done by the IVI to employ […]

Open-Source Rx Value Model Designed To Encourage ‘More Productive’ Discussions

Pink Sheet Senior Writer, Cathy Kelly, reports on the goals and objectives of the IVI Open-Source Value Project (OSVP), how the first iteration of the tool on rheumatoid arthritis is intended to serve different health care stakeholders, and what the next application will focus on. Kelly quotes IVI Strategic Advisory Panel Chair, Sam Nussbaum, who […]