Special Issue of AJMC on HCV: Access, Value, and Cost of Innovative Therapies

In a special issue of The American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) on the Hepatitis C virus, released May 2016, IVI authors take up multiple key issues at the intersection of access, cost, and value from recent innovations in HCV treatment in four separate articles: “Does Patient Cost Sharing for HCV Drug Make Sense?” authored by Darius Lakdawalla, […]
Panel of Health Advisors to Determine IVI Research Agenda at Inaugural Meeting in 2016’Q4

When the IVI Panel of Health Advisors convenes its inaugural meeting in the fourth quarter of 2016, it will establish the IVI research agenda for late 2016 and early 2017. Initial research priorities may focus on specific issues in value measurement and policy reforms, with focus on a few particularly salient therapeutic areas. Research priorities […]
IVI and Health Affairs Launch New Featured Topic Series on Health Affairs Blog

Health Affairs blog, in collaboration with IVI, today launched a new featured topic series titled “Drugs and Medical Innovation.” As Health Affairs blog editor Chris Fleming notes in an introductory post, the areas of drugs and medical innovation “have long been central in health care and health policy, and recent developments have heightened their importance even more. The […]
Academic and Industry Leaders Launch Initiative to Study Value in Healthcare

Thought leaders from academia and the healthcare industry today announced the formal launch of the Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI). The goal of IVI is to advance the science of value measurement and technology assessment, develop innovative approaches to link value to pricing, and influence the policy debate to ensure that future spending on healthcare […]
IVI Releases Protocol for Report on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Health Care

IVI released the research protocol for its first project, which examines the quality of evidence and methods used in cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) in healthcare. The research protocol is available here. This is the first research project in a series that will look at issues of relevance to policy, value assessment practices or methods, economic questions related […]
IVI Report Examines Imbalances in Health Care Effectiveness Analyses

A new Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) report found that cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) are disproportionately conducted on pharmaceutical interventions compared to other health care treatments. Learn more about what causes this and the potential policy solutions to achieve better overall balance of CEAs across health care interventions. Read more about the project and results here.
IVI Releases Public Feedback on Open-Source Value Project Model for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Today, the Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) released public feedback on the IVI Open-Source Value Project model for rheumatoid arthritis. IVI launched the Open-Source Value Project, a first-of-its-kind effort to better measure value in health care treatments, with the release of an open-source tool focused on measuring value in treatments for RA. The IVI-RA model […]
IVI Open-Source Value Project on Display at ISPOR Europe

IVI economists showcased the results of multiple research streams supporting open-source value modeling initiative at the leading European conference for health economics and outcomes research. Presentation topics included: Development of open-source software for conducting value assessments; Implementation of a new approach for using public feedback to guide ongoing, iterative improvement of open-source value models; and […]
IVI Releases Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Qualitative Research

IVI has released the results to their non-small cell lung cancer patient qualitative research, which was used in the development of the structure of upcoming OSVP designed to evaluate lung cancer therapy sequences. According to the research, which was conducted in collaboration with LUNGevity, patients reported valuing treatments that would help increase overall or progression […]
IVI Presents Two Posters at AMCP Nexus 2019

IVI presented two posters at AMCP Nexus 2019, the healthcare conference at the intersection of value and care. In the poster “Understanding Value Through the Patient’s Eyes: Perspectives from Patients with Genetic Mutations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment” researchers show how they examine the perspectives and experiences of patients diagnosed with mNSCLC, and the […]