Is Using Centralized Value Assessment to Make Centralized Pricing Decisions the Most Effective Path Forward?

The Pink Sheet article described comment letters to HHS’ drug pricing blueprint recommending that cost-effectiveness analyses by ICER could help promote value-based pricing in government-sponsored insurance. While IVI concurs value assessment is noble, worthwhile and needed, IVI cautions about making centralized pricing decisions based on centralized value assessments within the U.S.’s current decentralized health care […]
IVI Leadership Invited to Speak at the 2018 BIO International Convention

The 2018 BIO International Convention will be held in Boston, MA from June 4th through June 7th. IVI’s Jennifer Bright (Acting Executive Director) and Mark Linthicum (Director of Scientific Communications) are among the speakers invited to the 2018 BIO International Convention, where they will be discussing value assessment frameworks and patient value. The description of […]
IVI Demonstrates Commitment to Patient Involvement with Release of “Partnering with Patients” Principles

To demonstrate IVI’s commitment to patient involvement and ensure that the patient perspective is represented in our work, IVI recently developed several documents enumerating the principles and practices that guide this vital partnership. These documents offer detail about the actions IVI takes to involve patients and patient organizations early and often in research, model development and other projects, and establish a basis […]
IVI-RA Value Tool Featured on ISPOR Student Webinar Series

Devin Incerti, Lead Economist on IVI’s Open-Source Value Project, will be presenting the IVI-RA Value Tool as one of ISPOR’s featured student webinars. See below for the full description and details on the webinar, as well as the registration link. WEBINAR: Developing Flexible, Iterative, and Transparent Decision Models: A Detailed Look at the Rheumatoid Arthritis […]