IVI Responds to AHRQ’s Proposed Research Trust Fund

On April 19, 2022, the Innovation and Value Initiative responded to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)’s request for public comments on its proposed strategic framework for a patient-centered outcomes research trust fund. IVI commended AHRQ for its commitment to patient-centered outcomes research and for its focus on issues of equity and behavioral […]
IVI Talks Minority Health with Sick Cells

For National Minority Health Awareness Month, IVI sits down with Sick Cells to discuss the minority community experience in the US healthcare system and lessons learned to ensuring that all are at the table during healthcare decision-making and discussions. Learn More The Innovation and Value Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research organization committed to advancing […]

Earlier this winter, we sat down with one of our new Board of Directors and new members, Dr. Harold Carter. As the Chief Pharma Trade Relations Officer at Express Scripts, Dr. Carter has spent years leading value-based solutions strategies for the company. He brings a unique understanding of both the healthcare system and the importance […]
CHEERS to IVI Principles

ISPOR recently released its 2022 Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS 2022), the first update for health economic modeling reporting methods since 2013. The report includes a 28-item checklist that economic modelers can use in designing studies, and now includes more direction on the intention behind the different standards. Notably, the CHEERS report adds […]
CHEERS to IVI’s Commitment to Advancing Health Equity in Value Assessment

The Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) 2022 has been updated to reflect recent developments in economic evaluation methods. The revised report highlights four new standards, including the need to assess how impacts are distributed across different subgroups and priority populations (e.g., individuals of lower socioeconomic status). With growing recognition about how existing approaches […]
CHEERS to IVI’s Commitment to Transparency

When the updated CHEERS report[1]Husereau D, Drummond M, Augustovski F, et al. Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards 2022 (CHEERS 2022) Explanation and Elaboration: A Report of the ISPOR CHEERS II Good … Continue reading encouraged the use of health economic analysis plans (HEAP), we saw this as an opportunity to call for a joint effort […]
CHEERS to Patient Engagement

It’s Time for Patients to Drive Healthcare Research When the new CHEERS report was released, we were pleased to see the updated standards regarding patient and stakeholder engagement. These standards reflect a growing recognition that patient and stakeholder engagement need to be incorporated into economic evaluations and healthcare research from the conceptualization stage rather than […]
Health Care Value Through The Lens Of Patients’ Well-Being

In the concluding IVI and Health Affairs Forefront series post, Jennifer Bright and National Patient Advocate Foundation’s Alan Balch write if we are to overcome inertia and truly transform to a value-based healthcare system, we must establish: A shared commitment to patient needs, experiences, and perspectives as key drivers in measuring value; Clarity around exactly […]
Value Assessment And Decision Making In The Face Of Uncertainty

In the penultimate Health Affairs Forefront series, Mark Linthicum, Richard Chapman, and Jeroen Jansen address uncertainty in healthcare value assessment and decision-making and identify the following opportunities for change: We need a more dynamic approach to value assessment. Economic models should include both parameter and structural uncertainty to fully characterize the implications for decision-making. Gaps […]
Frequently Asked Questions about the IVI Draft Protocol for Major Depressive Disorder

Introduction The Innovation and Value Initiative welcomes public comments on its draft model protocol on major depressive disorder. The deadline to submit comments has been extended to Tuesday, January 25th. This economic model currently under development is part of IVI’s Open-Source Value Project (OSVP). You can learn more about the model protocol through IVI’s introductory […]