National Quality Forum’s Dana Gelb Safran will Keynote October 27th Event

Alexandria, VA — September 30, 2021 — The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI), an independent, nonprofit research organization dedicated to advancing patient-centric value assessment, today opened registration and announced its keynote speaker for the second annual Methods Summit. This multi-stakeholder event will drive consensus on priority patient inputs, methods, and research that more fully represent the patient perspective in comparative effectiveness research and economic evaluations of health care interventions. Registration for the summit can be done here.

The summit, Designing Equitable Measures and Methods for Patient Priorities in Healthcare Value Assessment, is partially funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (# EAIN-21156). PCORI is an independent, nonprofit organization authorized by Congress in 2010 to fund research that will provide patients, their caregivers, and clinicians with the evidence-based information needed to make better-informed healthcare decisions.

“IVI is doing the painstaking work to develop methods that truly incorporate patient perspectives into value assessment,” said Jennifer Bright, IVI executive director. “Our second Methods Summit will bring together stakeholders from across the healthcare system to identify actionable strategies for doing so. We encourage healthcare leaders to attend and share their experiences for improving how value is defined and measured. We are also thrilled to welcome Dana Gelb Safran, who will share her views on the role of data and measurement in improving our understanding of quality and value.”

This three-day virtual summit is scheduled for October 27, October 28, and November 4. The public sessions of the three-part series will begin at 10 AM on October 27, featuring keynote speaker Dana Gelb Safran, ScD, CEO of the National Quality Forum. Safran will address the central role of outcomes measurement to the sustainability and success of value based payment, and will share a model for accelerating progress toward the next generation of measures to advance improved outcomes, equity, patient-centeredness, and affordability.

The summit’s opening day will also feature patient-led panel discussions that will explore challenges and opportunities to capture and scale patient preferences and inputs. After the October 27 public sessions, the Methods Summit will pivot to invitation-only breakouts with experts on October 28 and conclude on November 4 with an action agenda intended to accelerate investments in research and collaboration.

“Too frequently, patients correctly feel like key aspects of what matters to them are not included in the calculations used to measure value. IVI’s Methods Summit is an opportunity to engage with other healthcare stakeholders to discuss what drives value from the patient viewpoint – and ultimately, to improve the value paradigm in healthcare,” said Alan Balch, PhD, IVI Board of Directors Member and National Patient Advocate Foundation CEO.


Download a copy of the press release here.

About the Innovation and Value Initiative
The Innovation and Value Initiative is a 501(c)3 nonprofit committed to advancing the science, practice, and use of value assessment in healthcare to make it more meaningful to those who receive, provide, and pay for care. Governed by a Board of Directors with significant input from its Patient Advisory Council and Scientific Advisory Panel, IVI invests in research that emphasizes patient perspectives on value and strives to improve the flexibility and application of value assessment methods and models. IVI work is delivered in an open-source environment that fosters collaborative, dynamic exploration and testing, and provides creative, common-good resources to support healthcare decision-making. To learn more, visit