As a health outcomes researcher, my academic interests have focused on leading real-world outcomes research initiatives in the Department of Adult Neurology at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Notably in examining the comparative effectiveness of drug treatments in the management of neurological diseases specifically multiple sclerosis and more recently in the rare neurological diseases of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, myasthenia gravis and spinal muscular atrophy across a spectrum of diverse populations. I have pioneered triangulating comparison measures from multiple data sources including radiographic magnetic imaging resonance measures; clinically administered assessments of mobility and cognition; blood-based biomarkers of neuronal and axonal damage; validated patient reported outcomes; disease clinical history from electronic medical records; resource use and cost of care across sites from claims (billing) data and death records in conducting outcomes-based research. My research also extends to examining the overall burden of disease for neurological conditions using similar data. In addition, my role as the Vice Chair of the Coding and Payment Policy Subcommittee between national payers and the American Academy of Neurology and my local advocacy work in prescription drug policy legislation in the state of Colorado has helped create reform based policies that increase patient access for neurological drugs