2023 Annual Meeting

Shaping the Future: Trends and Insights

September 18-19, Alexandria, VA

The 2023 IVI Annual Meeting is the formal convening of IVI members to engage in productive and action-focused discussions that will inform and influence how value is defined in healthcare. This conference provides excellent opportunities to connect with other visionaries and gain a deeper understanding of the potential and challenges facing equitable health technology assessment today, tomorrow, and beyond.


Monday, September 18 — Public Event

A public event with opening remarks from Jason Spangler, MD, MPH, FACPM, IVI Chief Executive Officer.

Tuesday, September 19 — Members Only Event

  • Overview of Meeting Agenda and Goals
  • Introductions


  • Jason Spangler, MD, MPH, FACPM (Chief Executive Officer, Innovation and Value Initiative)
  • Michael Thompson (Chair, IVI Board of Directors)
  • Thought Leadership Discussion
  • Audience Q&A


  • Jason Spangler, MD, MPH, FACPM (Chief Executive Officer, Innovation and Value Initiative)
  • Rhonda Robinson Beale, MD (Chief Medical Officer, Mental Health Services, UnitedHealth Group )

The Open-Source Value Project is a platform for IVI to test, demonstrate, and operationalize novel economic modeling methods and practices in health technology assessment. After three years of continual engagement with our 20-member multi-stakeholder advisory group, we are launching the much anticipated open-source IVI-MDD value model for public comment.

This symposium will convene our research partners and advisors to reflect on how patient input and multi-stakeholder insights have informed the model’s development, as well as explore applications of the model to improve equitable patient-centered care.


  • Moderator: Richard Xie, PhD (Innovation and Value Initiative)
  • Michael Mersky (OPEN Health)
  • Warren Stevens, PhD (Medicus Economics)
  • Bruny Kenou (George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences)

A principal IVI role is convening diverse stakeholders to explore action that improves the science and practice of HTA. The Health Equity Initiative and Economic Impacts Project have yielded frameworks and tangible examples of actionable change to put the needs and perspectives of people with lived experience at the forefront of measuring value. This panel discussion will explore the impact of IVI’s work for patients, researchers, industry, and policymakers, and consider next steps for further change.


  • Moderator: Elridge Proctor, MPA (GO2 for Lung Cancer)
  • Olivia G. Dieni, MPH (Cystic Fibrosis Foundation)
  • Nicole Boschi, PhD (National Multiple Sclerosis Society)
  • Kate Davidson, LCSW (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation)

Value, pricing, reimbursement, and HTA are increasingly prominent topics in U.S. policy discussions on new health innovations. Most recently, these debates have largely centered on CMS’s implementation of the Medicare drug price negotiation provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act. This panel will identify key considerations for implementation of the IRA, discuss the broader issues raised by IRA implementation, and explore opportunities for IVI’s work to inform ongoing policy discussions.


  • Moderator: Mark Linthicum, MPP (Innovation and Value Initiative)
  • Karen Mancera-Cuevas, DrPH, MPH, MS (National Health Council)
  • Barry Liden, JD (University of Southern California)
  • Daniel Heider (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)

Carolyn Clancy, MD from the Veteran’s Administration will be this year’s keynote speaker.

IVI has convened a group of experts across patient and family, research, and healthcare communities in a series of roundtables to discuss the feasibility of finding common and cross-cutting patient-centered outcomes in rare diseases. This panel will feature speakers from different stakeholder perspectives to discuss prioritized areas for improving data and methods to better serve patient needs in rare diseases.


  • Moderator: Rick Chapman, PhD (Innovation and Value Initiative)
  • Karin Hoelzer, DVM, PhD (National Organization for Rare Disorders)
  • Tamar Thompson, MS (Alexion)

Value and quality are two key characteristics we all want in healthcare, but very little has been said about how they relate to each other. This session will address the interactions between the two and how integrating them will improve both and lead to a better and more patient-centered healthcare system.


  • Jason Spangler, MD, MPH, FACPM (Innovation and Value Initiative)
  • Richard Schmitz, MA (Pharmacy Quality Alliance)
  • Norris Turner, PharmD, PhD (Turner Healthcare Quality Consulting)
  • Gretchen Wartman (National Minority Quality Forum)

As part of IVI’s Valuing Innovation Project, a Call for Papers went out in early 2023 to identify practical solutions to better define and measure the innovative properties of health technologies. This panel will feature a facilitated discussion on next steps to incorporate these novel approaches into HTA frameworks.


  • Moderator: Rick Chapman, PhD (Innovation and Value Initiative)
  • Anna Hyde, MA (Arthritis Foundation)

IVI’s Chief Executive Officer, Jason Spangler, MD, MPH, FACPM, will share his closing remarks as we conclude the event.


Contact Jessica Brown,


The IVI Annual Meeting is an invitation-only event. Invitations will be sent individually. IVI has membership options at the personal and institutional level. Become a member now to join us in September.

Patient Advocate and Student Travel Stipend

IVI is pleased to offer travel stipends for patient advocate and student members. Applications must be submitted by August 1, 2023. We will notify applicants by August 15, 2023.

sponsorships available

Sponsorship supports IVI’s mission to advance the science, practice, and use of patient-centered value assessment.


Zubair Ansari
Anton Avanceña, PhD
University of Texas at Austin
Jon Campbell, MS, PhD
National Pharmaceutical Council
Rick Chapman, PhD
Innovation and Value Initiative
Sneha Dave
Generation Patient
Annie Kennedy
EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases
Bellinda King-Kallimanis, PhD
LUNGevity Foundation
Meng Li, PhD
Center for the Evaluation of Value and Risk in Health
Kistein Monkhouse, MPA
Patient Orator
Eberechukwu Onukwugha, MS, PhD
University of Maryland
Ilisa Halpern Paul, MPP
Venable, LLP
Jason Spangler, MD, MPH, FACPM
Center for Innovation & Value Research